This BLOG will cover various topics of (mostly) current cultural, social, political, and literary interest. However, "Literature is my Bag," so I am planning to concentrate more in that area now. Through thoughtful and thought-provoking dialogue, we can learn from each other. Did I say "learn"? Okay. We can argue with each other.
My Blog Mascot was rescued from the country. She is a Lab-Border Collie mix, and the best dog imaginable. Both of us were lucky to find each other. I am a prof. and have authored a book-almost two-with St. Martin's Press. I am honored to be a Fulbright scholar. I have also published poetry and nonfiction, mostly in journals. I also have a few pieces on-line: "Shakespeare: Alive and Well," and "Sleaze Run Amok." I hope you'll keep writing too by submitting comments to this DOGGONE EVERYTHING Blog. I am an Independent politically & otherwise, but mainly I throw ideas out there and see what others think.