DOGGONE EVERYTHING (In Search of Something)

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

National Novel Writing Month

My brother talked me into doing the NaNoWriMo 2005 contest. It's not really a contest perse, but you must write a 50,000 word novel in one month. I got a late start by signing up at the END of week one. Actually, my brother did not "talk me into it." He merely sent me the web link and said something like "Go for it." I found out, in the meantime, that he is doing it also. I am going to pursue my Midwestern Bildungsroman that I have been plotting and thinking about more than doing for about 10+ years. Of course, writing this here is not getting my novel written, so I must be off. I have to do this in between teaching and other stuff. I also have a bad cold, which is making it tougher to think clearly. Excuses. Excuses. Back to the drawing, er, writing, board.


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