DOGGONE EVERYTHING (In Search of Something)

Saturday, October 22, 2005


It is often difficult to choose what identity you want to be attached to. Is your family a mix of Catholic? Jewish? Protestant? Hindu? etc. Is it mixed racially? White? Black? What does it feel like to be in a multi-cultural family? Please post your stories here.


  • Our family is mixed race/culture and our kids are Eurasian. All children were born and spent their early years in Japan and are now in the US. they are partially bi-lingual and are pretty well mixed in their appearance (not strong features one way or another). They have never had any issues with discrimination in the US, though they attracted attention in Japan. They have traveled and lived in other parts of the world and have had fairly wide experience for their years. We eat a fusion cuisine, do not follow any particular religion, though two of the kids occassionally go to church. As parents we are both bilingual, though pretty much racially "pure" in our own makeup. Since we have all lived in both of our cultures for extended times, we have a reasonably good understanding of each culture and the reasons for the way we are sometimes. In other words, there is nothing particularly difficult about our situation. We comfortably navigate other cultures as we encounter them. It is just normal life and we don't usually talk about it or think about it. We just ARE. This is the best for all of us. It is the way the world is moving anyway. No big deal.

    By Blogger Onca, at November 03, 2005 3:04 PM  

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